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4178 Bluebird Drive
Morganton, NC, 28655

(828) 584-7359

Farm Meats: Pastured Pork, Beef, Chicken, and Lamb. Fed Certified Organic Grains.  

Farm Vegetables: Growing using organic methods.  

Morganton, North Carolina

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Farm Meats

Taste the difference with our delicious farm meats 

Good farm meats come naturally to us...Careful stewardship, outstanding breeds, healthy animals, sunshine, Grass and fresh air.


Certified Organic Grains for Our Pasture Hogs
Grass Pastures for our Beef Herd

Our animals experience fresh air, sunshine, and earth- just as animals should.  We rotate our herds and flocks on pasture to ensure our land improves throughout the years. Our meat hogs are fed certified organic grains along with their pasture forages.  Each herd of our animals gets a healthy balance of grass, forage, hay,  proteins, minerals, and probiotics depending on their species. We never use sub-therapeutic antibiotics.  The welfare and health of our livestock is our highest priority.